Career Workshops for January 2021
Virtual career workshops are held weekly on Tuesdays at 11 am. Here is the scheduled for January:
January 5th
Important Interview Techniques
– From posture to being remembered, we go over what it takes to prepare for and have a great interview virtually and in person.
January 12th
Developing Your Professional Brand
– Branding yourself in all aspects of your professional presence, including social media networking.
January 19th
Accessing the Hidden Job Market
– We will uncover ways to tap into the hidden job market and how you may have the connection to your next job in your back pocket!
January 26th
Career Mapping
– Unsure about what’s next? Come learn about tools to help you identify and navigate your next career move.
To Attend:
Register here:
Attend Zoom Meeting: Meeting ID 966 0799 1906 – Password 552235