The WorkSource Pierce system has a variety of services catered to your business. Whether it’s recruitment or retention, our Employer Services can help build your team to meet your workforce needs.
Employee Development
Available services
- Training and funding
- Labor market, occupation, and wage data
- Paid internships
- On-the-Job training opportunities with wage reimbursement
Recruitment Assistance
Available services
- Quality job assessment
- Hiring assistance
- Posting and advertising job openings
- Virtual and in-person hiring events and job fairs
- Space to conduct interviews and orientations
Layoff Assistance & Prevention
Available services
- Resources to prevent and/or minimize layoffs
- Coordination of information sessions for employees impacted by layoffs
- Employee retention resources
Customized Services
Available services
- Workforce needs consultation
- Work Opportunity tax credit information
- Federal Bonding information
- Other customized support
Connect to services

Business Solutions Team
(253) 254-7845
Learn more on their website
About this provider
WorkForce Central’s Business Solutions team assists employers with strategies and solutions to address today’s workforce needs, at no cost to you!

Business Services Team
(253) 593–7300, ext 3
Learn more on their website
About this provider
Employment Security Department provides our communities with inclusive workforce solutions that promote economic resilience and prosperity.
Complete the form below to be contacted by a member of our team
Additional Resources for Employers
WorkSource WA
WorkSource has teamed up with Monster.com to create a powerful new job-match site that offers employers in Washington powerful features including unlimited job postings, automatic ranking, and side-by-side comparisons of applicants based on their criteria.
Pierce County Business Accelerator
Serves entrepreneurs and business owners throughout Pierce County with a focus on BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and People of Color), veteran, and women-owned businesses to help foster innovation and create wealth-building opportunities.
Washington State Office of Minority and Women Business Enterprises
The OMWBE certifies small businesses owned by minorities, women, and veterans to participate in public contracting and procurement.
Work Opportunity Tax Credit
The WOTC is a federal tax incentive for employers to hire certain hard-to-place job seekers.
Provides flexibility for businesses to bring their employees back from unemployment with reduced hours.
Federal Bonding Program
The fidelity bonds issued by the Federal Bonding Program protect employers against employee fraud and dishonesty.
YesVets Program
Statewide employer recognition campaign for hiring veterans, supporting House Bill 2040.
A free online database that contains hundreds of occupational definitions and outlooks.
Labor Market Information
Searchable labor market and employment statistics through Employment Security Department.
Tacoma Work Opportunity Tax Credit
This five-year tax incentive encourages employers to add new employment positions to their workforce and hire individuals with a disability.