Schedule an Appointment

/ Schedule an Appointment

WorkSource Pierce is open for in-person and virtual workforce services.

Talk one-on-one with a WorkSource representative about career options, job search, training, business services, and more. Schedule an appointment to meet in person, over the phone, or through a video call.

2121 South State Street, Tacoma, WA 98405

Walk-ups Welcome!
No appointment is necessary at the Tacoma One-Stop location. However, you may call to schedule an appointment if you prefer.

Schedule by phone
Call (253) 593-7300

3500 S Meridian, Puyallup, WA 98373 (Near Golden Corral)
Mon, Tue, & Thu: By appointment only
Wed & Fri: 10 AM – 3 PM

Walk-ups Welcome on Wednesdays & Fridays!
No appointment is necessary at the South Hill Mall location on these days. However, you may call to schedule an appointment if you prefer.

Schedule by phone
Contact Sandra Calvillo by phone at (253) 310-1660 or by email at

For assistance related to unemployment claims questions please visit our Tacoma office.

Can’t make it to one of our main WorkSource centers? We have several Connections sites that offer technology to access resources and Affiliate Partners that provide on-site employment and training services.

For more information about our other WorkSource connection sites, visit our Locations page.

To schedule an appointment at a WorkSource Center outside of Pierce County, visit WorkSource WA.

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