GED & High School Completion
Interested in getting your High School Diploma but don’t know where to start? You may be closer than you think!
Whether you’ve been working for twenty years or two, it’s never too late to graduate. If not having a diploma is holding you back, let your life experience count towards credits. Our adult high school completion and GED programs let you use your work and life experience toward getting your high school diploma.
High School Diploma & GED Programs
There are a variety of programs in Pierce County ready to take you to the next step in your education journey!

About this program
- ABE – enrollment in reading, writing and pre-algebra math courses to improve college readiness skills or prepare for employment.
- HS+ -accelerated Washington State diploma option.
- GED – enrollment in courses to prepare students for GED testing.
- I-BEST/HS+ – co-enrollment in high school diploma courses and career training certification in specific trade/apprenticeship classes
- Excellent customer service, advising and instruction from orientation/intake to graduation and beyond
- Customized education plans and flexible learning schedules
- In-person instruction and online options
- Full program fee waivers for income-qualified students
- Onsite childcare program
- Small program and class sizes
- Civic engagement/community volunteering integrated into academics and credits
Contact information
(253) 680-7274
1101 S. Yakima, Tacoma WA 98405

About this program
Transitional Studies is home to various classes that assist pre-college students with improving English language skills, preparing for college-level classes, earning a GED or high school diploma, and I-BEST Programs. As a Transitional Studies student, you have an entire team of people dedicated to your success.
Our programs include:
- Adult Basic Education (ABE): Prepare for college-level classes
- English as a Second Language or English Language Acquisition (ESL/ELA)
- GED and High School+: Adults can earn their high school diploma or equivalent
- I-BEST: Earn an associate’s degree with extra support classes/instructors
Contact information
(253) 589-5702
4500 Steilacoom BLVD SW, Lakewood WA 98499

About this program
Why Enroll at Pierce?
- We have campuses in Lakewood, Puyallup, and on JBLM
- Our staff assist students with the intake & registration process.
- Cost is only $25 per quarter or we can waive tuition.
- No books – we use online learning resources and handouts
- Free Laptop & WiFi Hotspot check-out program
- Classes are Monday through Thursday – no classes on Fridays
- Flexible class schedules, offered morning and evening with in-person, hybrid, and online
Programs Available:
ESL – We offer ESL classes on campus and at off-site locations with continuous enrollment
- Improve English reading, writing, speaking, vocabulary, grammar, listening and computer skills
- Transition to BEdA, High School Diploma, or GED courses,
- Prepare for college-level certificate or degree programs
BEdA – Basic Education for Adult classes provide students with the courses and skills needed to:
- Improve your core reading, writing, math or computer skills
- Complete a high school diploma or the GED program
- Prepare for college-level certificates and degrees
GED – Our General Education Development exam preparation courses offer students the opportunity to:
- Improve educational skills in math, science, social studies and language arts
- Pursue higher education, start a career, earn promotions or achieve personal goals
HS Diploma/PCAD – Complete our Pierce College Adult Diploma at twice the speed of high school
- We can evaluate your high school transcripts and count credits toward your diploma
- High school transcripts are not required to complete your diploma
- Your last quarter of high school is also your first quarter of college – your tuition is paid for!
- Our Navigator assists students with the transition to college-level courses
Contact information
(253) 912-3657
Puyallup Campus
1601 39th Avenue SE, Puyallup, Washington 98374
Fort Steilacoom Campus
9401 Farwest Drive SW, Lakewood, Washington 98498
About this program
Our department offers low-cost classes and support for students who need additional preparation for college-level classes. These include English as a Second Language Classes (ESL), High school Completion classes (HS+), Reading, Writing and Math skills building classes (ABE) as well as supported programs combining skills building with College level credits (IBEST Integrated Basic Education and Skills Training). The BEdA department offers wrap around support, you can do this and we are here to help.
Contact information
(253) 566-5144
6501 South 19th Street, Tacoma, Washington 98466

About this program
Adults who are interested in preparing for the GED tests or improving their basic skills can do so by enrolling in Tacoma Community House’s Adult Basic Education (ABE) Classes. We are here to help students increase their skills in reading, writing, math, and computer usage. For some, earning their GED is a goal, while others want to increase their skills before entering a local community college. Many students who enroll in the program often go on to further their education or improve their employment standing.
The ABE program helps students with:
- Basic reading, writing, math, and computer skills
- General Educational Development (GED) test prep
- Skills to prepare for college, technical school, etc.
- Work and life skills
Contact information
(253) 383-3951
1314 S L St, Tacoma, WA 98405