Washington State Patrol Virtual Hiring Event – March 24th
The Washington State Patrol is a premier law enforcement agency protecting the lives of Washingtonians. They are made up of dedicated professionals who work hard to improve the quality of life citizens and prevent the unnecessary loss of life on a daily basis. Worksource will be doing two different events. One solely dedicated to Washington State Patrolmen (10 – 11) and the other dedicated to civilian positions (11 – 12) within the Washington State Patrol.
3/24 10 AM – 12 PM
- 10am – 11am: Commissioned Troopers
- 11am – 12pm: Communications Officer, Commercial Vehicle Enforcement Officer, Other Civilian Careers
*Please be on time.
Positions Being Recruited For
- Commissioned Troopers
- Communications Officers
- Commercial Vehicle Enforcement Office
- Other Civilian Careers
How Do I Attend?
WorkSource’s Virtual Event’s use the Cisco WebEx Platform. In other words, this is not Zoom. Please login a few minutes early to orient yourself to the platform. *You might be muted on entry into the event*.
Please login on to webex.com and click the join a meeting, tab:
Meeting Number (access code): 187 727 7868 Meeting password: TSiG3KcCh83
Join By Phone: +14043971516 Enter the Meeting number: 1877277868
Or Click this link: https://esd.webex.com/esd/j.php?MTID=ma14abbc8bf524fb8cc6a8852ccb582c3
*Veterans are Highly Encouraged to Attend.
Event Details:
Washington State Patrol Virtual Hiring Event
online event
Wednesday, March 24th
10am – 11am:
Commissioned Troopers
11am – 12pm:
Communications Officer, Commercial Vehicle Enforcement Officer, Other Civilian Careers