Laborers International Union of North America Virtual Information Session – May 27th
The Laborers Union are one of the most impactful unions in Washington State. Many of the large-scale construction projects in the state are staffed by them, and they are integral to the construction of the most important infrastructure in this region. They will be doing a presentation virtually on how you can join the laborers. Please attend if you are interested in finding out how to prepare for a living wage career with the Laborers.
1 Session: 11:00 AM – 11:45 AM
“Early is on time, on time is late, later is unacceptable.”
Please get to the portal at least ten minutes before the event starts.
Please use the WebEx app, or (preferably) login through the computer. WebEx takes a few minutes to install the first time you use it, so please leave a minute or two for that.
Virtual Portal Login Information
Simply click this link to join the meeting
Click Here
When it’s time, join your WebEx by going to and push the join a meeting tab. There, please enter the meeting number.
Meeting Number (access code): 187 452 2611
On the next page, you will enter the Meeting Password: Laborers252
You can also Login through the phone: 8773093457
Then put in the meeting number: 187 452 2611
Event Details:
Laborers International Union of North America
Virtual Information Session
WebEx online meeting
Thursday, May 27th
1 Session: 11:00 – 11:45 am