Seafarer's International Union Virtual Hiring Event - January 21st 1
/ / / Seafarer’s International Union Virtual Hiring Event – January 21st

Seafarer’s International Union Virtual Hiring Event – January 21st

The Seafarers have been giving Washington State residents a living wage for decades.   After training/apprenticeship, pay is at a living wage (normally starting at $5,500 a month or more, depending on the job you will be sent out too).  Career Advancement is easy with the Seafarers, and applicants get benefits/retirement.

They are currently recruiting for new apprentices/workers and will be holding a two-part (session) event on January 21st to do that.  One, recruiting for Cooks (Stewart’s Department) at 1 PM.  The other, for Deck Hands (Able Seamen) at 2 PM.

What Positions are They Recruiting For?

  • Cooks
  • Deck Hands

Once again, come at 1 PM if you are interested in Cook opportunities, and 2 PM if you are interested in Able Seamen opportunities.

If you are unable to attend this event, please send your resume to:

To attend one of the Two WebEx Sessions:

Just click the link below.

Or go to, and click the “Join A Meeting” tab.  From there, enter the Meeting Number

Then enter the Meeting Password.
MEETING PASSWORD: Seafarers!@#$    

Instructions to attend by Phone:

** Call +1-404-397-1516 (US Toll)
or +1-877-309-3457 (US Toll Free)
And enter the Meeting Number (Access Code) when asked: 146 842 7149

You can also download the WebEx App, and enter the Meeting Number and Meeting Password (above) to enter the training.

Event Details:

Seafarer’s International Union Virtual Hiring Event

Thursday, January 21st

Session One (Cook Openings Focus): 1-2 PM

Session Two (Able Seamen Focus):    2-3 PM

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