Workshops & Hiring Events
Strategies for Success: Community Engagement
ZoomRoom: ZoomContact Name: Carol ForresterContact Phone: 253-293-0276Contact Email: Carol.Forrester@esd.wa.govWorkshop Language Option: EnglishAdditional Information: Strategies for Success is a series of life-skills workshops open to everyone. It is flexible and customizable...
Adult High School Diploma Program
Contact Name: Felicia DennisContact Email: Felicia.Dennis@cptc.eduWorkshop Language Option: EnglishEvent Registration: First Come First ServedNeed to finish your diploma? You've Got it!You deserve to complete your diploma and move forward.We have...
WorkSource General Orientation
Room: Cedar RoomContact Name: Deon ListerContact Email: deonlister@careerteam.comWorkshop Language Option: EnglishAdditional Information: Please go to and create your account prior to attending this workshop.Approved Unemployment Insurance (UI) Job Search...
Technology Open Lab
Contact Name: Sandra CalvilloContact Email: sandracalvillo@careerteam.comWorkshop Language Option: EnglishAdditional Information: Please go to and create your account prior to attending this workshop.Feeling lost in the sea of technology? Want...
Accounting Career Boost
Tacoma Community CollegeBuilding 13 Room 265 6501 S 19th StTacoma, WA 98466Contact Phone: 253.905.1827Workshop Language Option: EnglishAdditional Information: NOTE this workshop is located at Tacoma Community College.Learn about Accounting employment and training opportunities in Pierce County and surrounding areas.Also hear how...
Work for Washington State– how to apply effectively –WorkSource virtual workshop – Statewide
WebEx Online Meeting: Link and meeting information will be shared by email at least 1 hour before the online workshop begins.Room: WebExContact Name: KenContact Email: ESDGPVirtualServices@esd.wa.govWorkshop Language Option: EnglishAdditional Information: Please go to and create your account prior to attending this workshop.Video conferencing will use a large portion of...