The Employer’s Perspective on Resumes
TPS helps job seekers find jobs in the Hidden Job Market.
In this workshop, you’ll learn how:
- Resumes are used to eliminate candidates.
- TPS’s job seekers placement rate increased from 60% to over 96%.
- How to write a winning resume.
- You can access the HIDDEN JOB MARKET!
Pre-register for the Event: email your Resume to
or call (206) 929-2285
To attend the WebEx Event:
** Download WEBEX App onto your Computer or Smart Phone/Tablet –
Meeting Number (Access Code):
160 728 7597 Meeting Password:
Instructions to attend by Phone:
** Call +1-404-397-1516 (US Toll)
or +1-877-309-3457 (US Toll Free)
Event Details:
The Employer’s Perspective on Resumes
Tuesday, August 11
10:30 am – 12:00 pm