Economic Security for All Program
Sent on behalf of Workforce Central.
WorkForce Central and its community partners are connecting the East Side (ZIP code 98404) residents with tools to gain financial security.
Working together, residents will be connected to all the services they need to
reduce debt, grow credit, and build skills to be successful at work.
Where can I receive services?
We are providing virtual services to customers by phone, text, email, and video calls. When offices reopen to the public, we will be available for in-person services.
More Information
Speak with a Career Advisor (see contact information below) to help you determine which services best fit your needs. They will help you enroll in the program and connect you to our program partners.
See full flyer EcSA Trifold.
How do I get started?
Visit :
Call or text:
(253) 355-6621